Why is it that Ella, my four year old thinks that she is the baby whisperer. I usually am not the,”I can’t wait until they can talk mother”, but I am eager for my boys to start expressing themselves in a way we can all understand. They talk to each other in elated jibberish, the way a lot of twins do. We, are not in on the joke.
Ella is a great big sister and hasn’t wasted a minute on being jealous of the twins since they came home because she realized early on that this elevated her status in the family. She has someone, no two someones that she is older than and knows more than. This, for my Ella makes everything about life better. She is decisive, talkative, a performer (loves the built in captive audience that those strapped into a high chair provides), and likes to be the boss (this can sometimes be confused with being bossy). This child was born to be a big sister. Their birth was the fulfillment of her destiny.
And boy do they love her. They light up when she enters a room. When nothing else works she can sing them Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and they calm down and giggle. Her name (Ewwa), Daddy, and uh oh are about the only things they say now. Her name, well they hear that a lot during a day.
The only thing that I wasn’t expecting from her new role was to get a supervisor out of the deal. She, for some reason has thought ever since the day they came home that she needs to tell me what every groan, cry and whimper means, as though she speaks “baby” and I because I am so old have forgotten it. All day she tells me what I should be doing and how much faster I should be doing it for them. He wants…… He needs…..He doesn’t like……Hurry he needs a diaper! You get the idea. What would I do without her? And, for that matter how did she make it to the age of four!
I would imagine that this is normal. I also like the fact that she is so concerned about their comfort and happiness. But I do want to make one thing clear. If you think staying at home with your children means you’ll be your own boss you are very sadly mistaken!